
History: Home > The Robert Pocock

The Robert Pocock (Wetherspoon)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Wantsum - Ravening WolfExcellent1
Kent - CobnutExcellent1
Kent - EnigmaExcellent1
Hopdaemon - Golden BraidExcellent1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Summer TopExcellent1
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Zululand Pale AleGood1
Kent - Black GoldGood1
Whitstable - Pearl of KentGood1
Wantsum - Fortitude (was 4.2%)Good1
Hook Norton - Townshend Cathcarts Xtra Pale AleGood1
Whitstable - Kent Coast Hoppy Pale AleGood1
Marston's - Old Empire IPAGood1
Whitstable - Winkle PickerAcceptable1
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - DropheadNot Tried0
Adnams - Old AleNot Tried0
Banks's - Park LifeNot Tried0
Wantsum - Turbulent PriestNot Tried0
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - TigerNot Tried0
Hydes - First FrostNot Tried0
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire (or Spitfire Amber Ale)Not Tried0
Hopdaemon - RedNot Tried0
Banks's - Ringwood FortyninerNot Tried0
Batemans - Yella Belly GoldNot Tried0
Sharp's - Atlantic Pale AleNot Tried0
Banks's - Wychwood Hobgoblin GoldNot Tried0
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)Not Tried0
Vale - Black Beauty PorterNot Tried0
Westerham - Single Hop MinstrelNot Tried0
Adnams - Southwold BitterNot Tried0
Orkney (Sinclair) - Red MacGregorNot Tried0
Adnams - Fat SpratNot Tried0
Nelson - Nelsons BloodNot Tried0
Adnams - Ghost ShipNot Tried0
Wickwar - SundownerNot Tried0
Hanlons (formerly O'Hanlon's) - Port StoutNot Tried0
Adnams - BroadsideNot Tried0
Shepherd Neame - Late RedNot Tried0
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - ScorcherNot Tried0
Greene King - AbbotNot Tried0
Hook Norton - HaymakerNot Tried0
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - Bow BellsNot Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Banana Bread BeerNot Tried0
Prescott - Grand PrixNot Tried0
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)Not Tried0
Theakston - Pink Grapefuit AleNot Tried0
Boss - Brave American IPANot Tried0
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - BitterNot Tried0
Vale - SteampunkNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Robert Pocock, Gravesend, Kent
Photographs of pub sign and frontage are © Copyright David Anstiss and licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence.

Visits Details

25 Oct 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit.
Marston's - Old Empire IPA5.70Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)4.50Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Prescott - Grand Prix5.20Not Tried
Boss - Brave American IPA5.50Not Tried
28 Aug 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit. Still the silly signs telling people to get away from the bar once served.
Whitstable - Winkle Picker4.50AcceptableOK
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Adnams - Ghost Ship4.50Not Tried
Hanlons (formerly O'Hanlon's) - Port Stout4.80Not Tried
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - Scorcher4.20Not Tried
Big Penny (formerly Truman's) as of late 2022 contract brewed - Bow Bells4.20Not Tried
09 Jun 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit. Dynamics changed significantly by hand-made garish notices stuck to all the till-fronts saying "Service Area only" and "No standing at the bar", the latter with arrows that I could not understand the delimitation of. Made me feel most unwelcome and the pub most un-publike compared with previous excellent experiences.
Kent - Enigma5.50ExcellentDespite the miserable signs at the bar this was in excellent top form
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire (or Spitfire Amber Ale)4.20Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Adnams - Southwold Bitter3.70Not Tried
Adnams - Fat Sprat3.80Not Tried
Banks's - Wychwood Hobgoblin Gold4.20Not TriedActually selling! Must be the branding
27 Jan 2018 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit. Pretty packed with all ages and types.
Wantsum - Fortitude (was 4.2%)4.60GoodCreamy head and down the pint too
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Kent - Cobnut4.10Not Tried
Batemans - Yella Belly Gold3.90Not Tried
Banks's - Wychwood Hobgoblin Gold4.20Not Tried
Vale - Black Beauty Porter4.40Not Tried
13 Dec 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Mid evening visit.
Wantsum - Ravening Wolf5.90Excellent
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Adnams - Old Ale4.10Not Tried
Wantsum - Turbulent Priest4.40Not Tried
Hydes - First Frost3.80Not TriedDeceptively? the pumpclip omits the Hydes provenance, hidden by saying "Crafted in Media City UK"
Hopdaemon - Red4.20Not Tried
16 Oct 2017 (ChrisE)
Evening visit and a good traditional pub atmosphere, I liked it.
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Zululand Pale Ale4.20GoodGood amber coloured ale.
Shepherd Neame - Late Red4.50Not Tried
Hook Norton - Haymaker5.00Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Wells Banana Bread Beer4.50Not Tried
Theakston - Pink Grapefuit Ale3.90Not Tried
Vale - Steampunk5.10Not Tried
30 Sep 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit.
Hopdaemon - Golden Braid3.70Excellent
Hook Norton - Townshend Cathcarts Xtra Pale Ale4.20Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Orkney (Sinclair) - Red MacGregor4.00Not Tried
Nelson - Nelsons Blood6.00Not Tried
Wickwar - Sundowner3.80Not Tried
23 Sep 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit after the Compass had closed.
Kent - Cobnut4.10ExcellentCan Kent Brewery do no wrong
Whitstable - Pearl of Kent4.50Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Marston's - Wychwood Hobgoblin IPA (was Ruby Beer, was Hobgoblin)4.50Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Westerham - Single Hop Minstrel4.50Not Tried
18 Aug 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit.
Kent - Black Gold4.00Good
Everards (see entries against Joule's & Robinsons whilst its new brewery was being built) - Tiger4.20Not TriedDeceptive brewing provenance as clip still says Leicestershire despite being brewed in Stockport
Shepherd Neame - Spitfire (or Spitfire Amber Ale)4.20Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Banks's - Ringwood Fortyniner4.90Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Atlantic Pale Ale4.20Not Tried
24 Jun 2017 (Philip Pirrip)
Last pub in a Gravesend crawl, late evening until last train.
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Summer Top3.60ExcellentBeautifully rounded
Whitstable - Kent Coast Hoppy Pale Ale3.90Good
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Jennings (since closure now brewed at Marston's) - Bitter3.50Not Tried
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Drophead3.80Not TriedWychwood never a good bet I find
Banks's - Park Life3.90Not Tried

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About The Robert Pocock

The pub sign. The Robert Pocock, Gravesend, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Gravesend, Kent, DA12 1AH.

Typical town centre Wetherspoon's, named after the printer and publisher who introduced Gravesend's first printing press, in 1786, and opened the town's first library at the back of his high-street shop. At his premises, in High Street, he published illustrated children's books, including Reading Made Easy and, in 1797, The History of Gravesend and Milton - the first history book of Gravesend. Narrow frontage (actual frontage on two separate streets) leads to a large interior on two levels although only one bar serving counter which has 12 handpumps in 2 banks each of 6.

We have visited this pub 55 times, seen 187 different beers and tried 56 of them.

Map location

Postcode: DA12 1AH