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The Rock (Larkins)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Larkins - PorterExceptional3
Larkins - Best BitterExceptional2
Goacher's - Special House AleExcellent1
Larkins - PaleExcellent2
Larkins - TraditionalExcellent6
Cotleigh - PeregrineGood1
Harvey's - Sussex Best BitterNot Tried0
Lakedown - Extra SpecialNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Rock, Chiddingstone Hoath, Kent

Visits Details

16 Mar 2025 (Wittenden)
Very busy on a sunny ,if,cool Sunday afternoon.We sat in the sun out front until a table came available.A shame that some of the less familiar Larkins beers were not on parade.
Larkins - Traditional3.40ExcellentDecent farmyard pint of Trad.
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00Not Tried
Lakedown - Extra Special5.00Not Tried
30 Aug 2024 (Andrew)
Pub 8 of the Larkin's tour. We sat in the garden, slightly disappointed that only one Larkin's beer was on.
Larkins - Traditional3.40GoodNice
Harvey's - Sussex Best Bitter4.00Not Tried
16 Jun 2019 (Wittenden)
Ah,The Rock!Packed inside on a gloomy June Sunday afternoon, we sat out front with our dogs and discussed the trials of Patterdale ownership.I discovered the original Naked Lady on the rock sign languishing at the back of the pub,having been replaced by what looks like a metalwork gamekeeper posing on presumably the same rock.
Larkins - Best Bitter4.40ExceptionalIf I could only drink one Best Bitter this would be it.Mellow, reassuring, hedgerow fruit.Classic,and not often seen, unfortunately.
Larkins - Pale4.20ExcellentEarthy English Pale Ale.
Larkins - Traditional3.40GoodFine.
21 Feb 2015 (thebrewingman)
Third pub on the mini tour. Difficult to get to by public transport so having a mini bus was an ideal opportunity to visit. Our party almost filled the place.
Larkins - Pale4.20Excellent
Cotleigh - Peregrine5.00GoodA porter
Larkins - Traditional3.40Not Tried
03 Jan 2015 (Wittenden)
Lunchtime on a wet January Saturday:we were first in, and the landlord demonstrated the Ringing the Bull.The pub filled up with locals and bedraggled walkers and shooters. Goachers and Larkins on the bar:my ideal pub.
Larkins - Porter5.20ExceptionalDry,roasty,raspberries.A classic.
Goacher's - Special House Ale3.80ExcellentWonderfully earthy:as good as I've had this in ages-my score 4.5
Larkins - Traditional3.40Not Tried
22 Nov 2008 (James)
Called in for a lunchtime session after visiting Bob at Larkins, and it was dads (Mick) turn to drive! Lots of locals in, with lots of banter. The log fire was burning well with some snow flurries outside. A perfect afternoon, in a brilliant pub.
Larkins - Porter5.20ExceptionalWonderful taste with the burnt chocolaty caramel coming from the chocolate malt, and the large volume of hops used to brew it, but not at all heavy, it doesn’t taste like a 5.2. A great beer.
Larkins - Traditional3.40ExcellentA lovely fresh tasting pint with a very hoppy finish.
14 Jun 2008 (Mick)
Nice pub, quiet when we arrived at midday. We sat outside in the sunshine.
Larkins - Traditional3.40ExcellentExceptional pint of Traditional, faint citrus and bursting with freshness. Hard to believe it's only 3.4%
10 Feb 2007 (Andrew)
Haven't been here for years. The pub had a handfull of people in and felt basic and rustic. I could have sat in the window seat all day drinking the porter. What a pub!
Larkins - Porter5.20ExceptionalThe best Larkin's porter I've ever had. It had milky alcohol with toasted malt and subtle acrid bitter finish.
Larkins - Best Bitter4.40ExcellentCaramel brown peaty low tanin bitter with a wide mouth feel and a low caramel earty bitter finish
Larkins - Traditional3.40Not Tried
03 Oct 2004 (Andrew)
Ian drove here and it seemed to take hours travelling across dark Kentish countryside. Fantastic pub with only 1 other customer in.
Larkins - Traditional3.40ExceptionalSuperb pint of traditional

About The Rock

The pub sign. The Rock, Chiddingstone Hoath, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Chiddingstone Hoath, Kent, TN8 7BS.

Quiet pub in the middle of nowhere. Scenery around here is beautiful though. Mainly serves Larkins beers. 

We have visited this pub 9 times, seen 8 different beers and tried 6 of them.

Map location

Postcode: TN8 7BS