
History: Home > The Flying Boat

The Flying Boat (Wetherspoon)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Budelse - CapucijnExceptional1
Shepherd Neame - Bishops FingerExceptional1
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPAExceptional1
Kent - KGB or Kent Golding BitterExcellent1
Wantsum - Ravening WolfGood1
Black Wolf (formerly Traditional Scottish Ales (TSA)) - Taking The PithAcceptable1
Portobello - Tropical CrushAcceptable1
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)Not Tried0
Wantsum - Black PigNot Tried0
Kent - Beyond the PaleNot Tried0
Whitstable - Renaissance Ruby MildNot Tried0
Kent - Black GoldNot Tried0
Caledonian - Auld Lang SyneNot Tried0
Westerham - Puddledock PorterNot Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Theakston - Grouse BeaterNot Tried0
Portobello - StarNot Tried0
Titanic - TomahawkNot Tried0
Hook Norton - Early MistNot Tried0
Holden's - Burton RunnerNot Tried0
Coach House - Innkeepers Special ReserveNot Tried0
Vale - Grumpling Old Premium AleNot Tried0
White Horse - Kicking OffNot Tried0
Greene King - AbbotNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Flying Boat, Dartford, Kent

Visits Details

20 Jul 2019 (Stephen Harris)
Early evening and somewhat crowded. All tables occupied.
Portobello - Tropical Crush4.40AcceptableToo much fruit and not enough beer for my liking.
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Portobello - Star4.30Not Tried
03 Feb 2013 (Philip Pirrip)
Wantsum - Ravening Wolf5.90Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Whitstable - Renaissance Ruby Mild3.80Not Tried
Kent - Black Gold4.00Not Tried
Caledonian - Auld Lang Syne4.50Not Tried
Westerham - Puddledock Porter4.00Not TriedNew lower strength - the earlier higher abv blacked out on the clip
14 Jan 2013 (ChrisE)
My first visit here, and I liked it. It was lunch time and I got the impression that there were a lot of regulars here who liked their Ruddles Best. Bar staff and waiting staff were friendly and chatty, but they could have done with a second person behind the bar.
Kent - KGB or Kent Golding Bitter4.10ExcellentAmazingly good, very tasty and in near perfect condition. It was just slightly too cold for my taste which prevented me from awarding it five stars.
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Wantsum - Black Pig4.80Not Tried
Wantsum - Ravening Wolf5.90Not Tried
Kent - Beyond the Pale5.40Not Tried
20 Oct 2011 (Martin the Mildman)
Quite a few families in early evening for Curry Club.
Black Wolf (formerly Traditional Scottish Ales (TSA)) - Taking The Pith5.00AcceptablePale gold and slightly cloudy. Big lemon hit on the first sip then a smoked malt flavour becomes apparent. The dominant flavour is lemon however, but not hoppy citrus flavour. Rather strange. My score 14/20.
10 Jul 2010 (Alenomore)
Dartfords second JD and fairly busy. Met a fellow Camra member here too.
Belhaven - Caledonian Deuchars IPA3.80ExceptionalVery refreshing in this weather.
Coach House - Innkeepers Special Reserve4.50Not Tried
Vale - Grumpling Old Premium Ale4.60Not Tried
White Horse - Kicking Off4.50Not Tried
05 Jun 2010 (Alenomore)
Busy afternoon visit.
Shepherd Neame - Bishops Finger5.00ExceptionalGreat to see one of Shep's best ales available in many JD's recently, and this one in top condition. Good range on here too.
10 Apr 2010 (Alenomore)
Early evening visit and not too crowded. Fair range on for the fest.
Budelse - Capucijn6.00ExceptionalAnother sample, and in tip top condition here too.
Theakston - Grouse Beater4.20Not Tried
Titanic - Tomahawk5.00Not Tried
Hook Norton - Early Mist4.30Not Tried
Holden's - Burton Runner4.20Not Tried

About The Flying Boat

The pub sign. The Flying Boat, Dartford, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Dartford, Kent, DA1 2DT.

Ex Litten Tree premises opened June 2009. Large, airy place, very pleasant. This Grade II listed building was Beadle's car showroom and offices for many years. John Clayton Beadle moved his horse-drawn-vehicle-making business to Spital Street in 1900. In 1910, he added the single-storey car showroom where this pub now is. The workshops at the rear of the showroom included a roller-skating rink which doubled as a meeting venue, with Winston Churchill and AJ Balfour both addressing crowds here. The workshops were demolished in 1998, when the premises were converted into a public house. During the First and Second World War, production at Beadle's was geared to the war effort, including making floats for Sunderland flying boats - one of the most powerful and widely used flying boats in the Second World War. 2 banks each of 5 handpumps on the marble topped bar.

We have visited this pub 7 times, seen 24 different beers and tried 7 of them.

Map location

Postcode: DA1 2DT