
History: Home > Palmerston Arms

Palmerston Arms (Batemans)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Oakham - AkenhatanExceptional1
Dark Star - Hophead (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)Exceptional1
Castle Rock - Harvest PaleExcellent4
Batemans - XXXBExcellent1
Batemans - Autumn FallExcellent1
Leeds - MonsoonExcellent1
Ossett - QuicksilverExcellent1
Silver Brewhouse (formerly Raw) - Chinook PaleExcellent1
Batemans - XXXB (now superseded by 4.8% version)Excellent1
St Austell - Proper JobGood1
Nene Valley - DXBGood1
Nene Valley - Blond Session AleGood1
Wentworth - Lincoln Imperial AlePoor1
White Horse - CamarilloPoor1
Timothy Taylor - Boltmaker (formerly Best Bitter)Not Tried0
Moorhouse's - Pendle Witches BrewNot Tried0
Black Country - Fireside BitterNot Tried0
Hop Back - Brewers ChallengeNot Tried0
Black Sheep - RiggwelterNot Tried0
Oakham - Bishops FarewellNot Tried0
Brewster's - DecadenceNot Tried0
Batemans - Rosey NoseyNot Tried0
Ossett - Yorkshire BlondeNot Tried0
Hambleton - Festive FollyNot Tried0
Nethergate (was Nethergate Growler for a while then name reverted) - GB Growler BitterNot Tried0
Phoenix - Spotland GoldNot Tried0
Oldershaw - AlchemyNot Tried0
Bath Ales - ProphecyNot Tried0
Oakham - InfernoNot Tried0
Adnams - BroadsideNot Tried0
Oakham - CitraNot Tried0
St Austell - TributeNot Tried0
Titanic - Plum PorterNot Tried0
Black Sheep - Best BitterNot Tried0
Castle Rock - Black GoldNot Tried0
Stockport - Stock PorterNot Tried0
Oldershaw - Grantham DarkNot Tried0
Batemans - GoldNot Tried0
Little Critters - Blonde BearNot Tried0
Lacons - PatriotNot Tried0
Brains - SANot Tried0
Salem Brewing (sub brand of Batemans) - Citrus RiotNot Tried0
Batemans - Salem PorterNot Tried0
Timothy Taylor - LandlordNot Tried0
Exmoor - WildcatNot Tried0
Picture 1. Palmerston Arms, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Picture 2. Palmerston Arms, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Visits Details

13 Aug 2020 (Magnus Greel)
Mid afternoon just four others in upon my arrival, friendly welcome from the barmaid who explained the one way system in operation and table service with expected 2 seats available out of a possible 4 for each table.
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80ExcellentPerfect temperature, crystal clear yeasty with hints of honey and peach. First pint didn't touch the sides..
St Austell - Proper Job4.50GoodDry, earthy with a peppery yet hoppy hit
Adnams - Broadside4.70Not Tried
Timothy Taylor - Landlord4.30Not Tried
Timothy Taylor - Boltmaker (formerly Best Bitter)4.00Not Tried
St Austell - Tribute4.20Not Tried
Black Sheep - Best Bitter3.80Not Tried
Oakham - Citra4.20Not Tried
Stockport - Stock Porter4.80Not Tried
Batemans - Gold3.70Not Tried
Batemans - XXXB4.80Not Tried
20 Mar 2019 (ChrisE)
Afternoon visit. The landlord waved a charity box in front of me as a fine for daring to mention the D**m B*r word in here.
Batemans - XXXB4.80ExcellentA new cask on today. A bit sweeter than I remember it.
Timothy Taylor - Landlord4.30Not Tried
Oakham - Bishops Farewell4.60Not Tried
Timothy Taylor - Boltmaker (formerly Best Bitter)4.00Not Tried
Castle Rock - Black Gold3.50Not Tried
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80Not Tried
Black Country - Fireside Bitter5.00Not Tried
Black Sheep - Riggwelter5.90Not Tried
Brewster's - Decadence4.40Not Tried
Ossett - Yorkshire Blonde3.90Not Tried
Nethergate (was Nethergate Growler for a while then name reverted) - GB Growler Bitter3.90Not Tried
Bath Ales - Prophecy3.80Not Tried
17 May 2018 (Magnus Greel)
Early to mid evening and not changed a bit since my last visit 7.5 years ago. Superb locals boozer with an excellent range of well kept beers for such, hence stayed around an hour later than planned.
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80ExceptionalFaultless condition which this beer rightly deserves
Silver Brewhouse (formerly Raw) - Chinook Pale4.00Excellent
Castle Rock - Black Gold3.50Not Tried
Oldershaw - Grantham Dark3.60Not Tried
Little Critters - Blonde Bear4.20Not Tried
Lacons - Patriot4.00Not Tried
Batemans - XXXB4.80Not Tried
Salem Brewing (sub brand of Batemans) - Citrus Riot4.30Not Tried
01 Oct 2015 (HSB)
16:10 My first visit here for about fifteen years. Only opened at 15:00 so fairly quiet. With three other good beer pubs nearby this area of Peterborough is a excellent venue for a crawl.
Nene Valley - DXB4.60Good
Nene Valley - Blond Session Ale3.80Good
Oakham - Bishops Farewell4.60Not Tried
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80Not Tried
Oldershaw - Alchemy5.30Not Tried
Oakham - Inferno4.00Not Tried
Oakham - Citra4.20Not Tried
Titanic - Plum Porter4.90Not Tried
01 Aug 2014 (Stephen Harris)
My mate Dave is very much a couple of quick halves and move on sort of chap. We would not have lingered in here anyway, as we found the beer quality very disappointing tonight. I did not record the names of all the beers available.
Wentworth - Lincoln Imperial Ale3.80Poor- Completely flat beer from the stillage – no condition at all. Dead. And boring.
White Horse - Camarillo4.50PoorThis beer clearly has some sort of hop content, but this example was completely flat and lifeless – just beer-coloured water.
18 Dec 2010 (Magnus Greel)
Saturday afternoon visit to this friendly, traditional basic pub, not too busy on arrival however this changed not long after.
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80Excellent
Batemans - XXXB (now superseded by 4.8% version)4.50Not Tried
Oakham - Bishops Farewell4.60Not Tried
Batemans - Rosey Nosey4.90Not Tried
Batemans - Salem Porter4.70Not Tried
Phoenix - Spotland Gold4.10Not Tried
18 Dec 2010 (ChrisE)
Fairly quiet when we arrived, but the place soon filled up with various groups of people who had either been to footbal matches, or were touring pubs as matches had been cancelled. Topics of conversation included pubs in York, and hotels in Cliftonville.
Batemans - XXXB (now superseded by 4.8% version)4.50Excellent
Oakham - Bishops Farewell4.60Not Tried
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80Not Tried
Batemans - Rosey Nosey4.90Not Tried
Batemans - Salem Porter4.70Not Tried
Hambleton - Festive Folly4.00Not Tried
Phoenix - Spotland Gold4.10Not Tried
15 Oct 2010 (Stephen)
Great pub friendly and some of the best beer in Peterborough.
Oakham - Akenhatan4.90ExceptionalHad an extra edge I hadn't noticed before great ale
Leeds - Monsoon4.20ExcellentVery well balanced hoppy IPA full of flavour
Ossett - Quicksilver5.00ExcellentKaren was in the cellar sampling this and it looked so great had to try a half before i left. Good malt base with a lemon hop finish.
Batemans - XXXB (now superseded by 4.8% version)4.50Not Tried
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80Not Tried
Moorhouse's - Pendle Witches Brew5.10Not Tried
Batemans - Salem Porter4.70Not Tried
Hop Back - Brewers Challenge4.30Not Tried
02 Oct 2010 (Stephen)
Great atmosphere beer talking but in a positive way good banter and it feels so positive in there.
Dark Star - Hophead (some has also been brewed by Fuller's)3.80ExceptionalBest pint I have ever had exceptional.
Castle Rock - Harvest Pale3.80ExcellentI am coming over to the gravity idea in a place like this for sure more depth than I have noticed before a good well crafted pale beer served very well
Batemans - Autumn Fall4.20ExcellentOn gravity served in tip top condition all the grains contribute something mid brown fruity ale nice.
Brains - SA4.20Not Tried
Batemans - XXXB (now superseded by 4.8% version)4.50Not Tried
Batemans - Salem Porter4.70Not Tried
Exmoor - Wildcat4.40Not Tried

About the Palmerston Arms

The pub sign. Palmerston Arms, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire

Summary of Beer Scores


The pub is found in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE2 9PA.

Centrally divided pub in Oundle Road, with all beers served on gravity dispense (apart from 2 handpumps) from an open cellar with a big window to see in. You can get a takeaway and eat in the pub and they will even provide plates and cutlery. Friendly house.

We have visited this pub 9 times, seen 45 different beers and tried 14 of them.

Map location

Postcode: PE2 9PA