Orpington Liberal Club (Liberal Club)
Visits Details
08 Mar 2025 (Hogan Sampling)
Just the place for real ale and have attended for many a beer festival but today it was just lasting out after Bromley CAMRA earlier visited on mass for their branch's AGM. Some thirty of them by all accounts turned up and no doubt all doing a good tasting of the real ales on offer. They kindly left us just 4 on but the two I had were in good condition. Not overly busy for this pitstop of two real ales mid-evening and friendly, prompt service as always from the club's volunteers and doing a fine job running it. Just two from the earlier AGM, held from mid-afternoon, were remaining on my visit to catch up with.
Milestone - Cromwell Best Bitter | 4.40 |  | The head and lacing lasted very capably on this golden amber best bitter from Newark, north-east of Nottingham. A superbly bitter and malty first hit. A sweetish mouthfeel from its fruit-infused flavourings and with a pleasant dryness lingering. Could easily have done more but the train now beckons and so as to return to East Greenwich. |
Mighty Oak - Gorgeous George | 4.20 |  | Good head and lacing on this Essex-based Maldon Best Bitter. A very bitter and malty first hit. The lacing started to depart quicker than I could sup my first half of the two here. A moreishly dry bitter mouthfeel with a sweet maltiness lingering. |
Elephant School (sub-brand of Brentwood) - Porter in a Storm | 4.90 | Not Tried | |
Tatton - Black | 4.50 | Not Tried | Should have tried it as do not recall ever trying a Tatton Brewery beer before and from Knutsford, south of Manchester. According to CAMRA, it commenced in 2010 and supplies pubs throughout Cheshire and the north-west. The Black is an English porter. It has done well to make it to Orpington therefore. |
12 Oct 2024 (Hogan Sampling)
Busy but not overly so for the club's third day of its four-day beer festival of some 22 cask beers. I got there for about 7.30pm and met up with a couple of familiar faces and apart from the usual volunteers running it. Friendly and speedy service as is usual here.
Black Hole - No Escape | 5.20 |  | No head or lacing. A chocolatey first hit but not overly so with a bitter, dry mouthfeel and pleasingly not too sweet at all. |
Triple fff - Alton's Pride | 3.80 |  | Good head and lacing. A fruity and bitter mouthfeel. |
Caveman (latterly a cuckoo at Leatherbritches) - Neanderthal | 4.40 |  | In good shape to look at. A sweet first hit and a slightly fruity, dry aftertaste. |
Bexley - Old Mill Autumn Ale | 4.50 |  | Little head and no lacing. Good biscuity flavours with a very sweetish mouthfeel. |
14 Sep 2024 (Magnus Greel)
Met a few others for a lunchtime pint or two between bus jaunts on today's Bromley running day. Quiet peaceful and relaxed atmosphere with a good range of beers available. Oz11? The Brewingman? Anyone else ponder the whereabouts of past scribes?
Tonbridge - Velvet Raven | 5.20 |  | Much better condition for this smooth hints of coffee roasty stout. |
Musket - Flintlock Best Bitter | 4.20 |  | Flavoursome but rather flat and lifeless. |
Portobello - APA | 5.00 | Not Tried | |
Woodforde's - Nelson's Bitter | 4.50 | Not Tried | |
Mighty Oak - River Breeze | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
21 Feb 2014 (oz11)
Evening visit for a well attended beer festival.
Kissingate - Storyteller | 3.50 |  | |
Pig & Porter - Red Spider Rye (superseded by 4.8% version) | 5.50 |  | |
Burning Sky - Plateau (was 3.5%) | 3.40 |  | |
Hastings - Handmade No. 5 Galaxy Pale Ale | 4.80 |  | |
Westerham - Alsace Blonde | 4.00 |  | |
Kissingate - Rosa Black | 4.80 |  | Collaboration brew with the Liberal club. Stout made with NZ hops and infused with rosewater. |
Pitfield's - Hoxton Scotch Bonnet | 6.50 |  | |
Late Knights - P.I.P.A. (Polish IPA) | 5.40 |  | |
Westerham - Azzurri Double | 5.00 |  | |
Clarkshaws - Strange Brew 1.1 | 4.00 |  | |
Shamblemoose - #5 Amber Rye | 4.50 |  | |
Hobsons - Mild | 3.20 | Not Tried | |
Great Orme - Welsh Black | 4.00 | Not Tried | |
Leeds - Leeds Pale | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Moor - Revival (was 3.8%) | 3.40 | Not Tried | |
Titanic - Chocolate & Vanilla Stout | 4.50 | Not Tried | |
Ilkley - Lotus IPA (was 5.6%) | 5.50 | Not Tried | |
Tonbridge - Ebony Moon | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Otley - Oxymoron | 5.50 | Not Tried | |
East London (ELB) - Foundation Bitter | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Westerham - Spirit of Kent XXX Pale Ale | 4.00 | Not Tried | |
Baseline - Halcyon Hop Haze | 4.00 | Not Tried | |
Canterbury Brewers - Blackcurrant Stout | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Brighton Bier - Underdog | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Brightwater - All Citra | 4.30 | Not Tried | |
26 Aug 2013 (oz11)
Afternoon/evening for a Beer, Cider, Folk and Blues festival.
Triple fff - Jabberwocky | 5.00 |  | Pick of the day. |
Whitstable - Oyster Stout | 4.50 |  | |
Green Jack - Summer Dream | 4.00 |  | The first beer to run out. |
Saltaire - Cascade Pale Ale | 4.80 |  | |
Williams Brothers - 80/- | 4.20 |  | |
Kent - Cobnut | 4.10 |  | |
Wantsum - Black Prince | 3.90 |  | |
Tonbridge - Rustic | 4.00 |  | |
Westerham - Bohemian Rhapsody | 4.00 |  | |
Kissingate - Six Crows | 6.60 |  | |
Ilkley - Siberia | 5.90 |  | |
Pig & Porter - Ashburnham Pale Ale | 3.80 |  | |
Clarence & Fredericks - American Pale Ale | 4.50 |  | |
Shamblemoose - #10 Smoked Porter | 5.30 |  | |
Caveman (latterly a cuckoo at Leatherbritches) - Palaeolithic | 3.80 |  | The only beer of the day that was less than excellent. Lacking condition but still pretty good. |
22 Feb 2013 (thebrewingman)
Nice little festival. Not as busy as I would have expected in the lunchtime/afternoon period so I hope they had plenty of punters later. Very keen organisers and I hope it is a success. As oz11 has listed all the beers I have only listed those I tried.
Late Knights - Hairy Dog Black IPA | 6.00 |  | Plenty of hops used in this one. |
Clarence & Fredericks - Golden Ale | 3.80 |  | Very tasty for such a low gravity beer. |
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - Black IPA | 5.00 |  | 5.0% in tasting notes. |
Westerham - Puddledock Porter | 4.00 |  | |
Kent - Altered States | 4.70 |  | American style brown ale with plenty of hops. Most enjoyable. |
Shamblemoose - #4 American Brown Ale | 5.30 |  | For a first brew very good. |
Cronx - Mad-Ass Entire Chilli Porter | 5.20 |  | They have got the balance just right. Tastes only of porter to start and then the chillies kick in with a very subtle warmth. |
Franklins - Pudding Stout | 4.20 |  | |
Adnams - American Style IPA | 4.80 |  | Distinctly lacking in the clasical American IPA hop flavour. |
Florence - Titfer (branded as A Head In A Hat Brewing) | 3.50 |  | Much as you would expect from a dinner ale. |
Portobello - Pale | 4.00 |  | Average pale/golden beer. |
Kissingate - Gardenia Mild | 4.50 |  | A nice light mild but the Rosemary and rose petals passed me by. |
22 Feb 2013 (oz11)
Here for the beer festival. Two beers served from the bar, the others on stillage set up in the adjoining room. Well attended, all beers £2.60 per pint. Opening time on Sunday has been extended to 10.30pm. There are several reserve beers including Adnams Oyster Stout, Kissingate First Kiss and Cronx Kotchin. Three ciders also on sale.
Late Knights - Hairy Dog Black IPA | 6.00 |  | Saved the best for last. Served from on the bar. |
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - Oatmeal Stout | 4.60 |  | |
Adnams - American Style IPA | 4.80 |  | |
Canterbury Brewers - Foundry Man's Gold | 4.00 |  | |
Clarence & Fredericks - Golden Ale | 3.80 |  | |
Shamblemoose - #4 American Brown Ale | 5.30 |  | |
Brentwood - Marvellous Maple Mild | 3.70 |  | |
Hop Fuzz - Veteran | 4.20 |  | |
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - Black IPA | 5.00 |  | Marked as 5.0% here. |
Kent - Altered States | 4.70 |  | |
Wantsum - Hengist | 5.00 | Not Tried | |
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Red Top | 3.80 | Not Tried | |
Tonbridge - Three in a Bed | 3.60 | Not Tried | On sale on the bar, and called Orpington Buff for this venue. |
Dartford Wobbler (re-named from Millis) - Kentish Gold | 4.60 | Not Tried | |
Florence - Titfer (branded as A Head In A Hat Brewing) | 3.50 | Not Tried | |
Westerham - Puddledock Porter | 4.00 | Not Tried | |
Cronx - Mad-Ass Entire Chilli Porter | 5.20 | Not Tried | |
Portobello - Pale | 4.00 | Not Tried | |
Franklins - Pudding Stout | 4.20 | Not Tried | |
Kissingate - Gardenia Mild | 4.50 | Not Tried | |
01 Dec 2012 (oz11)
Evening, celebrating the 100th real ale sold here. Also the newish Bromley branch of CAMRA were having a little social gathering here.
Tonbridge - Ebony Moon | 4.20 |  | Replaced the Adnams. |
Adnams - Shingle Shells | 3.90 |  | Very nice but a winter ale? I long for winter/festive ales that are strong and chewy. This was neither. |
Tonbridge - Three in a Bed | 3.60 |  | Sold here as "Orpington Buff". |
Pilgrim - Vulcan Alia | 4.30 |  | |