
History: Home > The Flying Horse (formerly The Tottenham)

The Flying Horse (formerly The Tottenham) (Nicholson's (Mitchells & Butlers))

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Bristol Beer Factory - AcerExceptional1
Adnams - The Herbalist (collaboration with Magic Rock)Excellent1
Hop Back - Winter LightningGood1
Backyard - Dandelion & Burdock PorterGood2
Oakleaf (now see Fallen Acorn entries) - Hole HeartedGood1
St Austell - Proper JobGood1
Black Sheep - Monty Python's Holy GrailAcceptable1
Marston's - PedigreeUndrinkable1
Hook Norton - Lion (aka Cotswold Lion)Not Tried0
Woodforde's - Bure GoldNot Tried0
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - McEwan's SignatureNot Tried0
Robinsons - Trooper (superseded by 4.7% version)Not Tried0
Great Yorkshire (see also Cropton) - Hadley's GoldNot Tried0
Bays - TopsailNot Tried0
Rooster's - Fort SmithNot Tried0
Camerons - TontineNot Tried0
Cotleigh - Uncle Sam Hop BurstNot Tried0
Castle Rock - Midnight OwlNot Tried0
Harviestoun - SchiehallionNot Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Sambrook's - JunctionNot Tried0
St Austell - Nicholson's Pale AleNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Flying Horse (formerly The Tottenham), Fitzrovia, Central London
Michael Croxford

Visits Details

30 Jan 2016 (ChrisE)
Saturday evening and very busy. Although I used to work in this area I had never been in here, I seem to remember it used to be an Ind Coope pub and just recall the Tottenham Dive which is now the St Giles Cellar Bar. I was very impressed with the interior of the upstairs bar which is listed in the Campaign for Real Ale as a historic pub interior of national importance.
Bristol Beer Factory - Acer3.80ExceptionalA truly superb pint.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Castle Rock - Midnight Owl5.50Not Tried
Bays - Topsail4.00Not Tried
Camerons - Tontine4.10Not Tried
Cotleigh - Uncle Sam Hop Burst4.30Not Tried
28 Jan 2016 (Stephen Harris)
Pleased to see this pub revert to its earlier name, and it’s looking good after the recent refurbishment. Less crowded than other pubs all around - I didn't venture downstairs.
Adnams - The Herbalist (collaboration with Magic Rock)4.80ExcellentPleased to see this lovely beer back on sale. ‘Gin Saisons’ were my favourite beer style of 2015.
Bristol Beer Factory - Acer3.80Not Tried
Bays - Topsail4.00Not Tried
Rooster's - Fort Smith5.00Not Tried
St Austell - Nicholson's Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
Camerons - Tontine4.10Not Tried
Cotleigh - Uncle Sam Hop Burst4.30Not Tried
04 Aug 2015 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening until last bell. Little changed upstairs but downstairs transformed into a bar with viewing window into the cask cellar. Oddly does not sell food beyond ploughman's and snacks.
Backyard - Dandelion & Burdock Porter4.30ExcellentFrom the upstairs bar. Actually very little D&B to note
Backyard - Dandelion & Burdock Porter4.30PoorThis time from downstairs. Light frothy head but definite acetic smell and taste came through. Nothing like the superb one upstairs. How odd when both came from same cask with a splitter in line. Manageress was most concerned
Marston's - Pedigree4.50UndrinkableOn sale upstairs. Given a taster in downstairs bar and it was Sarsonic in extremis
Hook Norton - Lion (aka Cotswold Lion)4.00Not Tried
Sambrook's - Junction4.50Not Tried
St Austell - Nicholson's Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
Robinsons - Trooper (superseded by 4.7% version)4.80Not TriedRan out upstairs. When asked for taster downstairs it was off too despite clip showing
Great Yorkshire (see also Cropton) - Hadley's Gold4.00Not Tried
10 Feb 2015 (HSB)
15:13 Last stop of the day, busy with tourists. I hadn't been here for years but wanted to re-visit as the pub is threatened with closure and conversion to other retail use. This would be a tragedy both for the loss of an historic pub, and the lack of any pubs on Oxford Street would prevent anyone completing the Drink the Monopoly Board challenge.
Hop Back - Winter Lightning5.50GoodFirst time beer for me. Quite tasty.
Hook Norton - Lion (aka Cotswold Lion)4.00Not Tried
Sambrook's - Junction4.50Not Tried
St Austell - Nicholson's Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
Woodforde's - Bure Gold4.30Not Tried
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - McEwan's Signature4.80Not Tried
16 Jun 2014 (Stephen Harris)
Mid-evening and reasonably busy.
Black Sheep - Monty Python's Holy Grail4.00AcceptableTypical, amber-coloured Black Sheep beer. Some citrus and a lingering bitterness. A bit thin – might have actually been improved by use of a sparkler.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Sambrook's - Junction4.50Not Tried
St Austell - Nicholson's Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
05 Jun 2014 (Stephen Harris)
Possibly my first time ever in here. I may have visited in the 1980s, but I don’t remember much about the 1980s (or the 90s for that matter). Interesting interior, busy with a mostly tourist clientele – although the landlord found time for a chat, which was nice.
St Austell - Proper Job4.50GoodAn off-putting, thick, creamy head affected the taste and this pint did not have the bite I usually expect from this beer.
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Sambrook's - Junction4.50Not Tried
28 Jul 2013 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Years since I last visited. Nicholson's beer festival operating but only 2 beers on offer as other pumps were having their lines cleaned. Pleased it was quiet tonight.
Oakleaf (now see Fallen Acorn entries) - Hole Hearted4.70GoodColdish with condensation on glass
Harviestoun - Schiehallion4.80Not TriedThe clip says "Craft Lager". Is everyone travelling the craft bandwagon?

About The Flying Horse (formerly The Tottenham)

The pub sign. The Flying Horse (formerly The Tottenham), Fitzrovia, Central London

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Fitzrovia, Central London, W1D 1AN.

Famous now as the only pub in Oxford Street. In fact right at the east end opposite Tottenham Court Road Underground station. Once known as The Flying Horse, its heritage can be dated back to at least 1790. A quite narrow ground floor pub with lots of mirrors, wall decorations and chandeliers. The pub is included in CAMRA's National Inventory of Historic Pub Interiors Part Two. Called The Tottenham for many years the name reverted to The Flying Horse in summer 2015 and now has a beer oriented bar in the basement too. Ground floor side bar counter on the left which sports 8 handpumps. Basement bar called St Giles Cellar Bar is accessible down steps from the street or from inside, down stairs at the rear. This cellar bar has 8 pumps replicating the range upstairs and has a viewing window into the cask cellar so one may see tapped and first served dates.

We have visited this pub 7 times, seen 22 different beers and tried 8 of them.

Map location

Postcode: W1D 1AN