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The Wrong 'Un (Wetherspoon)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Rooster's - TenderfootExcellent1
Purple Moose - WhakahariExcellent1
Orkney (Sinclair) - Dark IslandExcellent1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Blue TopGood1
Woodforde's - Nelson's RevengeGood1
Twickenham (also uses sub-brand Old Hands) - Winter WarmerGood1
Greene King - AbbotGood3
Nelson - Pursers Pussy PorterAcceptable1
Butcombe - Bitter MelissaAcceptable1
Phoenix - Double GoldAcceptable1
Sambrook's - WandleNot Tried0
Portobello - Tropical CrushNot Tried0
Daleside - Morocco AleNot Tried0
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Malt CrushNot Tried0
Burton Bridge - Top Dog StoutNot Tried0
Nelson - Friggin in the RigginNot Tried0
Sambrook's - JunctionNot Tried0
Exmoor - GoldNot Tried0
Sambrook's - Powerhouse PorterNot Tried0
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Game OnNot Tried0
Ilkley - Ruby JaneNot Tried0
Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) - Hedge HopNot Tried0
Liberation (formerly called Jersey) - St ClemNot Tried0
Brehon - Killanny Red (collaboration with Adnams)Not Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)Not Tried0

Visits Details

19 Mar 2025 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit.
Butcombe - Bitter Melissa5.00AcceptableVery cloying
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Liberation (formerly called Jersey) - St Clem3.80Not Tried
Brehon - Killanny Red (collaboration with Adnams)4.50Not Tried
15 Jan 2024 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit. Reasonable footfall, think there had been a quiz night earlier.
Woodforde's - Nelson's Revenge4.50GoodA bit too lively giving it a creamy head
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) - Hedge Hop4.90Not Tried
03 Jan 2024 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit. The bus stops so conveniently outside and one day this pub will be gone, as for sale.
Purple Moose - Whakahari4.30ExcellentA most enjoyable pint and for less than 2 quid
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Game On4.20Not Tried
Ilkley - Ruby Jane4.00Not Tried
22 Nov 2023 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit. The for sale sign has gone from outside so maybe a sales deal has been done. A bit of a feeling of imminent closure about this place.
Orkney (Sinclair) - Dark Island4.60ExcellentIn surprisingly good condition with all its bitterness accentuated
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Sambrook's - Powerhouse Porter4.90Not Tried
22 Feb 2023 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit. Wonder how long before it is closed by Wetherspoon.
Phoenix - Double Gold5.00AcceptableGreat disappointment, sweetish with a sour aftertaste. Felt like first out for a while or just tired
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Exmoor - Gold4.50Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
30 Jan 2023 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit. Some overspill here from the temporarily closed The Furze Wren.
Twickenham (also uses sub-brand Old Hands) - Winter Warmer5.20GoodMost welcome winter ale
Greene King - Abbot5.00AcceptableVery full bodied but had an inexplicable slight haze. Enjoyed it as a night cap still
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Sambrook's - Junction4.50Not Tried
26 Oct 2022 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening visit.
Greene King - Abbot5.00GoodIn really good form
Nelson - Pursers Pussy Porter4.80AcceptableI should have known better! OK when poured but soon went totally flat in the glass
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Nelson - Friggin in the Riggin4.50Not Tried
03 Jun 2022 (Philip Pirrip)
Brief evening visit.
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Blue Top4.80Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Burton Bridge - Top Dog Stout5.00Not Tried
05 Apr 2022 (Philip Pirrip)
Mid evening visit. Light footfall.
Rooster's - Tenderfoot4.20ExcellentKept great head and lacing - served as clear as a bell
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Daleside - Morocco Ale5.50Not Tried
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Malt Crush3.70Not Tried
30 Aug 2021 (Philip Pirrip)
Late evening visit. Reasonable footfall still.
Greene King - Abbot5.00ExcellentIn fine form, Abbot seems to be on a good run of late
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried
Sambrook's - Wandle3.80Not Tried
Portobello - Tropical Crush4.40Not Tried

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About The Wrong 'Un

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Bexleyheath, Greater London, DA6 8AS.

Ex retail premises. Long and traditionally styled 'Spoon's outlet. Sports 8 handpumps in banks of 5 and 3. Toilets at rear on same level as the bar. No new admittances permitted after 11pm. Placed up for sale by Wetherspoon September 2022 with 31 others then subsequently taken off the for sale register in spring 2024.

We have visited this pub 24 times, seen 78 different beers and tried 26 of them.

Map location

Postcode: DA6 8AS