
History: Home > Lower Bell

Lower Bell (Greene King)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
WharfeBank - Medal PursuitExcellent1
Greene King - FiresideExcellent1
Whitstable - Oyster StoutExcellent1
Greene King - Abbot ReserveExcellent1
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - She Sells Sea ShellsExcellent1
Greene King - Morland Old Golden HenExcellent1
Greene King - AbbotGood2
Greene King - Tolly Cobbold PhoenixGood1
Belhaven - Bonnie BirdieGood1
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)Good1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Sun TopNot Tried0
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Wife of Bath's AleNot Tried0
Springhead - Maid MarianNot Tried0
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Knight's AleNot Tried0
Greene King - LibertineNot Tried0
Greene King - IPA ReserveNot Tried0
Brains - The Rev James OriginalNot Tried0
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 5Not Tried0
Whitstable - East India Pale Ale (or EIPA)Not Tried0
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Blue TopNot Tried0
Whitstable - Renaissance Ruby MildNot Tried0
Picture 1. Lower Bell, Blue Bell Hill, Kent

Visits Details

03 Jan 2013 (Pedro)
Greene King - Fireside4.50Excellent
Greene King - Abbot Reserve6.50Excellent
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
07 Jul 2012 (Alenomore)
1730 visit. Our chaufeur kindly stopped off here so we could partake in the pub's annual beer festival. The outside bar and stillage worked well with a good selection of LocAles on and Kentish Cider too. This is a good pub, well worth hiking up here for a visit.
Whitstable - Oyster Stout4.50ExcellentLovely stuff.
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - She Sells Sea Shells4.70ExcellentLovely.
Greene King - Morland Old Golden Hen4.10ExcellentAnother new one on me. OK.
WharfeBank - Medal Pursuit4.00ExcellentAnd another new ale today. Very good, light type.
Belhaven - Bonnie Birdie3.90GoodA new ale form the Scottish arm of GK. Not bad.
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 54.40Not Tried
Whitstable - East India Pale Ale (or EIPA)4.10Not Tried
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Blue Top4.80Not Tried
Whitstable - Renaissance Ruby Mild3.80Not Tried
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Sun Top3.60Not Tried
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Wife of Bath's Ale3.90Not Tried
Springhead - Maid Marian4.50Not TriedIn the pub.
Canterbury Ales (sometimes badged as Canterbrew) - The Knight's Ale4.60Not Tried
Greene King - Libertine5.00Not Tried
Greene King - IPA Reserve5.40Not Tried
25 Jun 2011 (Pedro)
Greene King - Abbot5.00Goodbit cold
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40Not Tried
09 Dec 2010 (Pedro)
Evening visit - had just missed Hydes Jekyls Gold and found outside an empty cask of BrewDog Trashy Blonde
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Good
26 Jun 2010 (Pedro)
Afternoon visit
Greene King - Tolly Cobbold Phoenix4.20GoodFirst try so not sure what it should be like but seemed ok and did the job on a very hot afternoon.
Greene King - IPA (was 3.6%)3.40Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Brains - The Rev James Original4.50Not Triednot available

About the Lower Bell

The pub sign. Lower Bell, Blue Bell Hill, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Blue Bell Hill, Kent, ME20 7EF.

We have visited this pub 5 times, seen 21 different beers and tried 10 of them.

Map location

Postcode: ME20 7EF