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The Hope (Free House)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Twickenham (also uses sub-brand Old Hands) - Naked LadiesExceptional1
Fallen - Local MotiveExceptional1
Wimbledon - XXKExcellent1
Hastings - Hastings PorterExcellent1
Fyne - Gengy's DropExcellent1
Magic Rock - Dark ArtsExcellent1
Dark Star - Hophead DryExcellent1
Wantsum - ImperiumExcellent1
Wylam - 008 MosaicExcellent1
Brodie's (latterly contract brewed by Rhymney) - Shoreditch SunshineExcellent1
Downlands (formerly South Downs) - Root ThirteenExcellent1
Five Points - Railway PorterExcellent1
Siren Craft - Sound WaveExcellent1
Kent - Altered StatesExcellent1
Siren Craft - Vermont Tea PartyExcellent1
Surrey Hills - Shere DropExcellent5
Tiny Rebel - Fugg LIfeExcellent1
Kent - PorterExcellent1
Northern Monk/Wander Beyond/Old Chimneys Collaboration - Dark & Wild CityExcellent1
Downlands (formerly South Downs) - BramberExcellent1
Downton - New Forest AleExcellent3
Redemption - Fellowship PorterExcellent1
Blue Monkey - Right Turn Clyde!Good1
Siren Craft - Suspended In LoralGood1
Hastings - Simcoe CentennialGood1
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the GarterGood3
Marble - TuckerlovskyGood1
Magic Rock - RingmasterGood1
Burning Sky - PorterNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Mariana On MangoNot Tried0
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - London PorterNot Tried0
Kissingate - Murder of CrowsNot Tried0
Brodie's (latterly contract brewed by Rhymney) - London Fields Pale AleNot Tried0
Pig & Porter - Lilac Time MildNot Tried0
Hopcraft (experimental side of Pixie Spring) - Diggin' Up The KingNot Tried0
Rooster's - London ThunderNot Tried0
Kissingate - Stout Extreme JamaicaNot Tried0
Iron Pier - Speyside BA Export PorterNot Tried0
Crouch Vale - Brewers GoldNot Tried0
Kent - Comfortably PlumNot Tried0
Arbor Ales - Beech BlondeNot Tried0
Iron Pier - Milk StoutNot Tried0
Kent - SimcoeNot Tried0
Bristol Beer Factory - Future ProofNot Tried0
Blue Monkey - Guerrilla StoutNot Tried0
Moor - PorterNot Tried0
Triple fff - JabberwockyNot Tried0
Beatnikz Republic - CortadoNot Tried0
Surrey Hills - Gilt ComplexNot Tried0
Redemption - Urban DuskNot Tried0
Wiper and True - Blackberry PorterNot Tried0
Ascot - Anastasia's StoutNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Mutiny On The BuntyNot Tried0
Oakham - CitraNot Tried0
Weird Beard - Knight In Sour ArmourNot Tried0
Kissingate - Six CrowsNot Tried0
Wylam - Anatomy Of TavernsNot Tried0
Surrey Hills - Albury RubyNot Tried0
Kissingate - Raspberry En PlusNot Tried0
Siren Craft - Shattered DreamNot Tried0
Weird Beard - SadakoNot Tried0
Magic Rock - High WireNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Hope, Carshalton, Greater London

Visits Details

29 Nov 2019 (Magnus Greel)
I joined my group at 12.20 who'd arrived here earlier before opening time and had to join the queue to get in, no doubt in reaction to this weekend's popular dark beer festival. My first visit here and took advantage of the good value food menu, plumped for the beef stew at £6.50 in some pubs you pay that just for a baked spud!
Northern Monk/Wander Beyond/Old Chimneys Collaboration - Dark & Wild City7.40ExcellentRich sweet aroma paired with chocolate cream and vanilla flavours made for a fine liquid dessert
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80GoodFruit punch with good carbonation
Siren Craft - Suspended In Loral4.00GoodHazy grapfruit sweet and sherberty concoction
Surrey Hills - Albury Ruby4.60Not Tried
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Not Tried
Five Points - Railway Porter4.80Not Tried
Siren Craft - Shattered Dream9.80Not Tried
Burning Sky - Porter4.80Not Tried
Kissingate - Murder of Crows10.00Not Tried
Pig & Porter - Lilac Time Mild3.80Not Tried
Rooster's - London Thunder4.20Not Tried
Iron Pier - Speyside BA Export Porter7.30Not Tried
Kent - Comfortably Plum4.90Not Tried
Iron Pier - Milk Stout4.40Not Tried
Bristol Beer Factory - Future Proof3.30Not Tried
Moor - Porter4.60Not Tried
Beatnikz Republic - Cortado4.70Not Tried
Wiper and True - Blackberry Porter4.80Not Tried
Weird Beard - Mutiny On The Bunty5.70Not Tried
Weird Beard - Knight In Sour Armour6.30Not Tried
Wylam - Anatomy Of Taverns6.30Not Tried
Kissingate - Raspberry En Plus7.00Not Tried
Weird Beard - Sadako9.50Not Tried
Weird Beard - Mariana On Mango7.10Not Tried
18 Aug 2018 (ChrisE)
Afternoon and evening visit for a friend's 80th birthday party, naturally a very busy event for a popular regular at this splendid pub. Beer was being drunk at an impressive rate and many beers ran out to be replaced on the pumps soon afterwards. An excellent free buffet was provided.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20Excellent
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Excellent
Wantsum - Imperium4.00ExcellentThis replaced one of the beers that ran out.
Five Points - Railway Porter4.80ExcellentSuperb, it did not take long for this beer to run out.
Marble - Tuckerlovsky4.70GoodNot to my taste. This replaced the Magic Rock beer when that ran out.
Oakham - Citra4.20Not TriedI think this ran out during the afternoon.
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Not Tried
Magic Rock - High Wire5.50Not TriedThis ran out.
Kissingate - Six Crows6.60Not Tried
26 Nov 2017 (ChrisE)
Sunday from 12:00 opening until about 17:00ish with a large group of friends from various parts of the country. We took over the room at the back whilst the rest of the pub was full with a good mix of customers. Service was excellent despite the pub being busy.
Siren Craft - Sound Wave5.60Excellent
Downlands (formerly South Downs) - Bramber4.50Excellent
Wimbledon - XXK4.80Excellent
Magic Rock - Ringmaster3.90Good
Ascot - Anastasia's Stout5.00Not Tried
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Not Tried
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Not Tried
29 Jun 2017 (Stephen Harris)
This is my thirteenth out of thirteen visits in recent weeks to CAMRA London Region Pubs of the Year, on judging duties. What a mixed bag they are, although this one is a perennial favourite. And there just happens to be a beer festival on tonight, of which I had not been aware. Only the beers I drank are listed.
Fallen - Local Motive3.90ExceptionalWow. This beer really nails the low strength / high hops category.
Tiny Rebel - Fugg LIfe4.20ExcellentGolden IPA brewed with all-UK hops but tasting very modern.
Fyne - Gengy's Drop3.50ExcellentA golden beer, well-hopped with Sorachi Ace, Nelson Sauvin and Citra. Very dry; shockingly so after the beer that had gone before.
Wylam - 008 Mosaic3.90ExcellentYou can’t go far wrong with Mosaic, and this is a cracker.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20GoodA steady, golden beer. Nothing spectacular, but very drinkable.
13 Jul 2016 (ChrisE)
From 12:00 opening for a couple of hours, lunch consisted of one of their excellent filled rolls for £1.50. One of the customers played the piano in the rear bar. In addition to the cask beers listed below we enjoyed some Hopus served in the correct glasses but with shots glasses for the sediment.
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Excellent
Downlands (formerly South Downs) - Root Thirteen3.60ExcellentVery good. This beer ran out soon afterwards.
Siren Craft - Vermont Tea Party3.60ExcellentThis replaced the Downland Thirteen when that beer ran out.
Surrey Hills - Gilt Complex4.60Not Tried
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Not Tried
Redemption - Urban Dusk4.60Not Tried
Redemption - Fellowship Porter5.10Not Tried
24 Jan 2016 (ChrisE)
Lunchtime start for a long afternoon session with a large group of friends. The pub was busy all afternoon. I have listed most, but not all the beers that were available.
Twickenham (also uses sub-brand Old Hands) - Naked Ladies4.40ExceptionalA new cask on.
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Excellent
Kent - Porter5.50Excellent
Dark Star - Hophead Dry3.80Excellent
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Good
Blue Monkey - Right Turn Clyde!4.30Good
Blue Monkey - Guerrilla Stout4.90Not Tried
Triple fff - Jabberwocky5.00Not Tried
30 Aug 2014 (ChrisE)
17:00 and absolutely packed both inside and in the garden area. There was a beer festival, a hog roast, a 76th birthday party and a good crowd from the Society for the preservation of beer from the wood. I had originally intended asking whether this pub should continue to be shown on this site as Punch Taverns as the locals have taken on a 20 year free of tie lease from Punch and are operating as 48 West Limited. Beers were running out and being changed frequently so I have only listed the one that I drank.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20Excellent
28 Aug 2014 (HSB)
12:15 Our monthly gathering of old railwaymen. We were joined by the birthday boy mentioned in Chris E's post. Very busy with beers being changed regularly.
Hastings - Hastings Porter4.50ExcellentVery flavoursome
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20Good
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Good
Hastings - Simcoe Centennial5.50Good
Crouch Vale - Brewers Gold4.00Not Tried
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Not Tried
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - London Porter5.00Not Tried
Arbor Ales - Beech Blonde4.90Not Tried
Kent - Simcoe4.50Not Tried
01 Jul 2014 (Philip Pirrip)
Evening. Meaning to come here for some time with all its declared accolades.
Surrey Hills - Shere Drop4.20ExcellentBest beer of the Carshalton evening crawl and all the better for a pub branded lined glass
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Not Tried
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Not Tried
Mad Squirrel (formerly Red Squirrel) - London Porter5.00Not Tried
Brodie's (latterly contract brewed by Rhymney) - London Fields Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
Hopcraft (experimental side of Pixie Spring) - Diggin' Up The King4.90Not Tried
Kissingate - Stout Extreme Jamaica6.00Not Tried
03 May 2014 (thebrewingman)
Saturday lunchtime. Good bunch in.
Redemption - Fellowship Porter5.10Excellent
Magic Rock - Dark Arts6.00Excellent
Brodie's (latterly contract brewed by Rhymney) - Shoreditch Sunshine3.80Excellent
Kent - Altered States4.70Excellent
Downton - New Forest Ale3.80Not Tried
Windsor & Eton - Knight of the Garter3.80Not Tried
Magic Rock - High Wire5.50Not Tried

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About The Hope

The pub sign. The Hope, Carshalton, Greater London

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Carshalton, Greater London, SM5 2PR.

Town pub in West Street with an island bar surrounded by several distinct drinking areas. Handy for Carshalton Athletic FC. CAMRA Greater London Regional Pub of the Year 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2019 and in 2023 too. Last 4 finalist of the CAMRA National Pub of the Year competition 2013. SPBW London Pub of the Year 2016. Most recently local CAMRA branch Pub of the Year 2022 & 2023. 7 handpumps but with an increasing propensity to sell craft keg beers. Initially run by a share-owning co-operative (32 shareholders) on a 20 year free of all tie lease from Punch Taverns. Reported in June / July 2015 CAMRA London Drinker magazine that the freehold had now been purchased.

We have visited this pub 25 times, seen 112 different beers and tried 76 of them.

Map location

Postcode: SM5 2PR