
History: Home > The Thomas Ingoldsby

The Thomas Ingoldsby (Wetherspoon)

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Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Robinsons - Citra Pale AleExcellent1
Orkney (Sinclair) - Red MacGregorExcellent1
Keltek - Miners GoldExcellent1
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)Good1
Maxim - EclipseGood1
Fire Island (sub-brand of Evan Evans) - BuffaloGood1
Oakham - Triple BeamGood1
Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) - New ForestGood1
Reedley Hallows - Nook of PendleGood1
Bishop Nick - Martyr IPAGood1
Cairngorm - WildcatGood1
Greene King - AbbotAcceptable1
Frome (formerly Milk Street) - Funky Monkey (organic)Acceptable1
Oakham - Below ZeroPoor1
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Hobgoblin GoldNot Tried0
Otter - AmberNot Tried0
Greene King - Ruddles CountyNot Tried0
Wolf - Granny Wouldn't Like It !!!Not Tried0
Beartown (latterly part of Manning Brewers) - Bruin's (was Bruins Ruin)Not Tried0
Sharp's - Doom BarNot Tried0
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)Not Tried0
Shepherd Neame - Birrificio Foglie d'Erba Hot night at the VillageNot Tried0
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Malt CrushNot Tried0
Mauldons - Black AdderNot Tried0
Daleside - Old Legover (a.k.a. Country Stile)Not Tried0
Beartown (latterly part of Manning Brewers) - Bear AssNot Tried0
Picture 1. The Thomas Ingoldsby, Canterbury, Kent

Visits Details

08 Feb 2025 (Andrew)
Met Ian here at 10:20am before getting the no 17 bus.
Flack's (a.k.a. Flack Manor) - New Forest4.90GoodSandy coloured, good fluffy head. Peach, mustard powder. Soft in the mouth.
Greene King - Ruddles County4.30Not Tried
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Wolf - Granny Wouldn't Like It !!!4.80Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Beartown (latterly part of Manning Brewers) - Bruin's (was Bruins Ruin)5.00Not Tried
14 Nov 2024 (Jack William)
Lunchtime catch-up with some old chums. Usual buzz to this popular ‘spoons. Only guest ales listed.
Cairngorm - Wildcat5.10Good Very acceptable- just a little in the sweet side for a higher score.
Maxim - Eclipse4.20GoodA full bodied, dark winter ale.
Oakham - Below Zero4.10PoorDefinitely not Oakham at its best. Taken off shortly after.
Otter - Amber4.00Not Tried
01 Aug 2024 (Jack William)
Late afternoon, fairly quiet. Listed only the more unusual brews.
Keltek - Miners Gold5.10Excellent
Beartown (latterly part of Manning Brewers) - Bear Ass4.00Not Tried
Wychwood (now brewed at Banks's) - Hobgoblin Gold4.50Not Tried
21 May 2024 (Jack William)
Early evening - swift one between buses. 6 ales on, more interesting ones listed.
Frome (formerly Milk Street) - Funky Monkey (organic)4.00AcceptableA bit tired.
Mauldons - Black Adder5.30Not Tried
Daleside - Old Legover (a.k.a. Country Stile)4.10Not Tried
29 Jan 2024 (Jack William)
Off to the Marlowe with my son to see Stuart Lee (who was hilarious). Pre-show drinks here. Silly prices, even lower as it was Monday.
Fire Island (sub-brand of Evan Evans) - Buffalo4.60GoodDark amber, gluten free and very tasty.
Greene King - Abbot5.00Acceptable
25 Mar 2023 (Jack William)
Swift one before bus to Deal. Plenty of different ales on as part of their “beer festival”.
Robinsons - Citra Pale Ale3.80Excellent
01 Jul 2022 (Jack William)
Mid afternoon- 20 minutes to kill before my lift home. Pleasantly busy. Other beers on obviously.
Bishop Nick - Martyr IPA5.00Good
12 May 2022 (Jack William)
My Wetherspoons boycott is not going well. Just the one though after a good trip to the Freed Man. Just notes the one beer - new for me.
Reedley Hallows - Nook of Pendle5.00Good
31 Mar 2022 (Jack William)
Early afternoon- caught up with my bus-pass chums for a swift one early afternoon. Reasonable choice of beers and many at just £2.10 a pint.
Oakham - Triple Beam5.00Good
Greene King - Abbot5.00Not Tried
Sharp's - Doom Bar4.00Not Tried
Greene King - Ruddles Best (was 3.7%)3.40Not Tried£1.49 a pint!
Shepherd Neame - Birrificio Foglie d'Erba Hot night at the Village5.00Not Tried
JW Lees (see also Lees) - Malt Crush3.70Not Tried
26 Feb 2022 (Jack William)
About 2 - absolutely heaving upstairs and down. But we managed to get food and drinks fairly quickly using the app. (Can’t find the “Eagle entry” for Bombardier).
Orkney (Sinclair) - Red MacGregor4.00ExcellentFull bodied red.
Eagle (formerly Wells & Young's, formerly Charles Wells, formerly Wells) - Bombardier (was Bombardier Glorious English) (use Eagle entry now please)4.10Good

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About The Thomas Ingoldsby

The pub sign. The Thomas Ingoldsby, Canterbury, Kent

Summary of Beer Scores



The pub is found in Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2HG.

Located in Burgate just off The Parade. Very substantial frontage but not too deep. History of pub name: Richard Harris Barham was born in 1788, at 61 Burgate, across the road from this Wetherspoon pub. Using the pen name Thomas Ingoldsby he wrote The Ingoldsby Legends, which first appeared in 1840, in a periodical edited by Charles Dickens. Richard Harris Barham, alias Thomas Ingoldsby, had an accident when he was 14, which crippled his right arm. During a long convalescence he began to write. Re-opened on 29th May 2018 after 4 months of closure to add hotel facilities (13 rooms) and an upstairs bar and bar counter.

We have visited this pub 110 times, seen 307 different beers and tried 147 of them.

Map location

Postcode: CT1 2HG