
History: Home > Moray > Aldwark

Rebellion IPA (was 3.7%)

PubAddressLast Visit Seen
The Park TavernEltham, Greater London19 Mar 2025
The Two BrewersWindsor, Berkshire15 Mar 2025
Bird in HandHenley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire15 Feb 2025
The Case is AlteredEastcote, Greater London19 Oct 2024
The WoodmanEastcote, Greater London19 Oct 2024
The WoodmanRuislip, Greater London19 Oct 2024
Queen's HeadPinner, Greater London19 Oct 2024
Claret & Ale (formerly Claret Free House)Addiscombe, Greater London12 Apr 2024
The Prince of WalesMarlow, Buckinghamshire27 Jun 2021
BaskervilleShiplake, Oxfordshire25 May 2021
Star of the EastPoplar, Greater London13 Mar 2019
The Plough at CadsdenPrinces Risborough, Buckinghamshire20 Jan 2018
Maiden's HeadMaidenhead, Berkshire28 Aug 2017
Bel & The DragonReading, Berkshire13 May 2017
Cross KeysHarpenden, Hertfordshire28 Mar 2017
The Dodo MicropubHanwell, Greater London23 Mar 2017
The George & DragonWendover, Buckinghamshire16 Jul 2016
The White HorseHedgerley, Buckinghamshire21 Nov 2015
Swan InnWest Wycombe, Buckinghamshire18 Sep 2015
The Whip InnLacey Green, Buckinghamshire18 Sep 2015
Black HorseCheckendon, Berkshire10 Jun 2014
Duke of CambridgeMarlow, Buckinghamshire14 Apr 2013
Flint Cottage (formerly The Bootlegger)High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire11 Jan 2013
The RoseMaidenhead, Berkshire09 Jun 2012
The New InnCanterbury, Kent02 Jun 2012
St Christopher's InnSouthwark, Central London25 May 2012
GateSawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire21 Apr 2012
The Standing OrderStevenage, Hertfordshire02 Jan 2012
Stile BridgeMarden, Kent28 Aug 2011
The CrownBerkhamsted, Hertfordshire05 Mar 2010
The Hinds HeadBray, Berkshire05 Dec 2009
Nottingham Beer Festival 2005Nottingham, Nottinghamshire20 Oct 2005

Tasting Summary

These comments are the opinion of the individual reviewer and represent what they thought of the beer on a particular day in a particular pub. If a review is less favourable, it may be because the beer suffered somewhere in the supply chain between them and the brewery.

The Park Tavern, Eltham, Greater London

Philip PirripAcceptable19 Mar 2025 Disappointing as soon lost condition in the glass. I had not realised I was drinking a duty dodger ale at 3.4%

The Two Brewers, Windsor, Berkshire

Hogan SamplingGood15 Mar 2025 My second this day from the Marlow Brewery and this time the session IPA bitter which came with very good head and lacing and was holding throughout. A very malty and lightly fruity first hit. A dry and malty mouthfeel and lingering. Described as a copper coloured, session bitter with Pale, Crystal and Chocolate malts and hopped with Fuggle, Goldings and Bobek. Very moreish and in fine form.

Bird in Hand, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire

Magnus GreelExcellent15 Feb 2025 Toasty hoppy flavours with a hint of malt and spice.
Magnus GreelExcellent25 May 2021 Fruity flavoursome ale in faultless condition and temperature.

The Case is Altered, Eastcote, Greater London

Hogan SamplingNot Tried19 Oct 2024
Magnus GreelGood06 Mar 2023 Refreshing hints of malt and hops combined with plums and a raisin aftertaste made for a delicious pint. Lost half a star for served too cold..
HSBGood01 Sep 2015

The Woodman, Eastcote, Greater London

Hogan SamplingNot Tried19 Oct 2024

The Woodman, Ruislip, Greater London

Hogan SamplingNot Tried19 Oct 2024 Now the 4th time I have seen this on my travels today.

Queen's Head, Pinner, Greater London

Hogan SamplingGood19 Oct 2024 In good shape with lasting lacing. A lingering hoppy, bitter mouthfeel.
HSBNot Tried01 Sep 2015
HSBNot Tried05 Feb 2015

Claret & Ale (formerly Claret Free House), Addiscombe, Greater London

Philip PirripNot Tried12 Apr 2024

The Prince of Wales, Marlow, Buckinghamshire

ChrisEExcellent27 Jun 2021 A new cask on.
ChrisEExcellent25 Jun 2021

Baskerville, Shiplake, Oxfordshire

Magnus GreelNot Tried25 May 2021

Star of the East, Poplar, Greater London

Stephen HarrisNot Tried13 Mar 2019

The Plough at Cadsden, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried20 Jan 2018

Maiden's Head, Maidenhead, Berkshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried28 Aug 2017

Bel & The Dragon, Reading, Berkshire

Magnus GreelGood13 May 2017 Roasted nuts and malty

Cross Keys, Harpenden, Hertfordshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried28 Mar 2017
HSBGood15 Jan 2015
HSBGood19 Nov 2014
ChrisEExcellent21 Jan 2011 Selling extremely well, this beer soon ran out. The replacement cask was full of condition and proved difficult to serve in such a busy pub.

The Dodo Micropub, Hanwell, Greater London

ChrisENot Tried23 Mar 2017

The George & Dragon, Wendover, Buckinghamshire

AndrewNot Tried16 Jul 2016

The White Horse, Hedgerley, Buckinghamshire

ChrisEExcellent21 Nov 2015

Swan Inn, West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Magnus GreelNot Tried18 Sep 2015

The Whip Inn, Lacey Green, Buckinghamshire

Magnus GreelGood18 Sep 2015 Copper coloured and malty

Black Horse, Checkendon, Berkshire

HSBNot Tried10 Jun 2014

Duke of Cambridge, Marlow, Buckinghamshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried14 Apr 2013

Flint Cottage (formerly The Bootlegger), High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

ChrisEGood11 Jan 2013
Philip PirripAcceptable11 Jan 2013
Philip PirripGood11 Jan 2013 New cask on was much better

The Rose, Maidenhead, Berkshire

Stephen HarrisGood09 Jun 2012 A standard bitter, in good nick.

The New Inn, Canterbury, Kent

AndrewNot Tried02 Jun 2012

St Christopher's Inn, Southwark, Central London

Stephen HarrisNot Tried25 May 2012
Stephen HarrisNot Tried30 Apr 2012
Stephen HarrisNot Tried20 Mar 2012
Stephen HarrisNot Tried05 Mar 2012

Gate, Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire

PedroNot Tried21 Apr 2012

The Standing Order, Stevenage, Hertfordshire

Stephen HarrisNot Tried02 Jan 2012

Stile Bridge, Marden, Kent

PedroNot Tried28 Aug 2011

The Crown, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire

ChrisEExcellent05 Mar 2010

The Hinds Head, Bray, Berkshire

James TPoor05 Dec 2009 Thin, almost non-existent head. This was tired, perhaps the end of a slow selling barrel?

Nottingham Beer Festival 2005, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

IanGood20 Oct 2005 This beat both the Brewsters Hophead and Nottingham Rock Bitter in the SIBA bitter category, although I thought the other 2 were better. Deep copper colour. Nice hop/caramel. Not a lot of fruit. Caramel in mouth, with hoppy finish. Quite dry, bit tangy, bit of choc. Nice understated hop

Rebellion IPA (was 3.7%)

3.40% ABV.

We have tried this beer 22 times.

We have given this beer an average score of Good to Excellent.

Other Rebellion beers.