
History: Home > 2nd Angelfest Music and Beer Festival 2013

2nd Angelfest Music and Beer Festival 2013 (Beer Festival)

Beer (sort)Average Score (sort)No. Samples (sort)
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - Common ConspiracyExceptional1
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 5Excellent1
Rockin Robin - Reckless RobinExcellent1
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - SeasiderExcellent1
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - East Kent India Pale AleExcellent2
Crouch Vale - Yakima GoldExcellent1
Sambrook's - Pumphouse Pale AleExcellent1
Rockin Robin - Really RockinExcellent1
Tonbridge - RusticExcellent2
Colchester - No. 1Good1
Shalford - Levelly GoldGood1
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 7Good1
Colchester - Cat's WhiskersGood1
Shalford - 1319 MildGood1
Tonbridge - Bedford AngelGood1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Spring TopGood1
Rockin Robin - Mildly RockinGood1
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Gold TopNot Tried0
Sambrook's - Powerhouse PorterNot Tried0
Westerham - British Bulldog "BB" (was 4.3%)Not Tried0
Maxim - Double MaximNot Tried0
Crouch Vale - Brewers GoldNot Tried0
Tonbridge - CoppernobNot Tried0
Westerham - Grasshopper Kentish BitterNot Tried0
Maxim - MaximusNot Tried0
Crouch Vale - AmarilloNot Tried0
Westerham - 1965 Special Bitter AleNot Tried0
Moles - Best BitterNot Tried0
Colchester - Red DieselNot Tried0
Moles - Mole CatcherNot Tried0
Westerham - Spirit of Kent XXX Pale AleNot Tried0
Northumberland - Best BitterNot Tried0
Crouch Vale - BlackNot Tried0
Westerham - Finchcocks OriginalNot Tried0
Maxim - Space HopperNot Tried0
Northumberland - Fog on the TyneNot Tried0
Colchester - Double Brown AleNot Tried0
Shalford - Hyde BitterNot Tried0
Shalford - Rotten EndNot Tried0
Northumberland - Crimson PirateNot Tried0
Shalford - Levelly BlackNot Tried0
Sambrook's - WandleNot Tried0
Sambrook's - JunctionNot Tried0
Moles - Elmo's FireNot Tried0

Visits Details

28 Apr 2013 (oz11)
Mid-afternoon through to close. Less busy than yesterday but with a good atmosphere all the same.
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - Common Conspiracy4.80ExceptionalDidn't try this until late on but when I did it was so good I stayed on it. Lovely.
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 54.40Excellent
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - Seasider4.30Excellent
Sambrook's - Pumphouse Pale Ale4.20Excellent
Tonbridge - Rustic4.00Excellent
Rockin Robin - Reckless Robin4.50Excellent
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - East Kent India Pale Ale6.50Excellent
Shalford - 1319 Mild3.70Good
Rockin Robin - Mildly Rockin3.70Good
Colchester - Cat's Whiskers4.80Good
27 Apr 2013 (oz11)
Afternoon through to close. Busy at periods, two beers went off. Open Sunday with 42 beers still available for anyone in the area fancying a beer or two.
Crouch Vale - Yakima Gold4.20ExcellentFirst beer to run out.
Tonbridge - Rustic4.00Excellent
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - East Kent India Pale Ale6.50Excellent
Rockin Robin - Really Rockin5.00Excellent
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 73.80Good
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Spring Top4.00Good
Colchester - No. 14.10Good
Shalford - Levelly Gold4.00Good
Tonbridge - Bedford Angel3.60GoodNamed for/by the Bedford, Tunbridge Wells
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - No. 54.40Not Tried
Westerham - British Bulldog "BB" (was 4.3%)4.10Not Tried
Crouch Vale - Brewers Gold4.00Not TriedThe second beer to run out
Westerham - Grasshopper Kentish Bitter3.80Not Tried
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - Seasider4.30Not Tried
Crouch Vale - Amarillo5.00Not Tried
Moles - Best Bitter4.00Not Tried
Moles - Mole Catcher5.00Not Tried
Northumberland - Best Bitter4.70Not TriedWe had it here as 4.5%
Westerham - Finchcocks Original3.50Not Tried
Northumberland - Fog on the Tyne4.10Not Tried
Shalford - Hyde Bitter4.70Not Tried
Northumberland - Crimson Pirate4.30Not Tried
Ramsgate Brewery (Gadds') - Common Conspiracy4.80Not Tried
Sambrook's - Wandle3.80Not Tried
Sambrook's - Junction4.50Not Tried
Moles - Elmo's Fire4.40Not Tried
Old Dairy (being contract brewed after it closed) - Gold Top4.30Not Tried
Shalford - 1319 Mild3.70Not Tried
Sambrook's - Powerhouse Porter4.90Not Tried
Maxim - Double Maxim4.70Not Tried
Tonbridge - Coppernob3.80Not Tried
Sambrook's - Pumphouse Pale Ale4.20Not Tried
Maxim - Maximus6.00Not Tried
Westerham - 1965 Special Bitter Ale4.80Not Tried
Rockin Robin - Mildly Rockin3.70Not Tried
Colchester - Red Diesel4.20Not Tried
Westerham - Spirit of Kent XXX Pale Ale4.00Not Tried
Rockin Robin - Reckless Robin4.50Not Tried
Crouch Vale - Black6.00Not Tried
Maxim - Space Hopper4.40Not Tried
Colchester - Double Brown Ale4.40Not Tried
Colchester - Cat's Whiskers4.80Not TriedA new cream stout.
Shalford - Rotten End6.00Not Tried
Shalford - Levelly Black4.80Not Tried

About the 2nd Angelfest Music and Beer Festival 2013

Summary of Beer Scores



The Beer Festival is found in Tonbridge, Kent, TN10 3JF.

Held in a marquee next to Tonbridge Angels football ground and featuring over 40 real ales. A small selection of cider and foreign beers also available.

We have visited this Beer Festival twice, seen 43 different beers and tried 17 of them.

Map location

Postcode: TN10 3JF